Hi, I'm Laura Hagan, I'm so happy you've found me here! A little about me...
I'm a wife and mother of four kiddos, so I stay busy. I create as much jewelry as I can. And I love sharing my work with souls who understand and appreciate the handmade process.
I love creating, it's my happy place.
You'll find me working on my pieces in the middle of the night. It's rare to get some daylight hours in, but on occasion it happens.
I love what I do. I have always felt the pull to create, but not until recently did I understand my why. I heard someone say this, for the life of me I can't remember who or where. But it stuck with me... "I was created in the image of my Creator, therefore I must create."
That's me. I have to make. I just have to. I can't explain it any better than that.
I am so very proud to say that right at this moment, there are fingerprint pieces that I created on dog tags oversees giving a little bit of comfort to some wonderful American heroes!
I firmly believe in helping others and giving back. A portion of all proceeds goes to women and children's Christian ministries, along with rescue efforts for those caught in the horrors of human trafficking. (MercuryOne.org, OURRescue.org)
Thank you for viewing my work and considering working on a piece together. Feel free to contact me any time to discuss your order. I look forward to creating a very special heirloom piece for you to help you keep your family close to your heart.